
盲母    1962      作者 : 柯錫杰
                                    不 " 盲目 " 的愛                                                                            Maternity without blind                                         

文中的圖片係來自柯錫杰所著 " 心的視界 " 柯錫杰的攝影美學一書中,該攝影

作品1962 年發表,標題為 " 盲母 "。柯錫杰的攝影新書主標題為 " 心的視界 "

,真是完完全全映射了作者內心真實的感觸,也讓普羅大眾 " 心的視界 " 有了 "

新的世界 "。

Here is the picture on this article, Blind Mother publiced in 1962,  adopted from

 the book, Vision of Heart --- the photography's aesthetics of Ko Si-Chi written by

 Ko Si-Chi. The new book of Ko, its main title is Vision of Heart, is mirrored the

real feeling of author completely, but let the heart vision of general masses

reflect the new world. 




At the inception of glancing this picture, it avalanches me with stirring and

stunning but can't be suppressed during a long period of time. For the first of all is

my susceptibility was moved by the great mother's maternity without blind,

another is vibrated by the description of the author's work interpreted by himself.



這家人如此生活太危險,而且車子來了她也看不見,乃心生惻隱曰 : 你趕快把

小孩帶到孤兒寄養吧。但是媽媽停一下卻回答說 : 先生謝謝喔。該張照片就是


The author said he had ever been to the peninsula of Jong Choau at Kao Hsiung

to take pictures, he run across a pair of blind parents with two infant children

were begging to the fishing family. Then he was passing by An-ping Tainan, he

run into this family again and the chilren become three but father passed away

already. He judged and though how dangerous is the family living owing to her

 blind of the cars' coming, then a feeling of sympathy occurred to him and said

had your chilren fostered by orphanage quickly but the mother paused and

replied, thanks Sir, with confidence. This was that moment the picture was taken

 when the mother refused the assistance euphemisticaly with smiling . 




The author also said he was always reminded of this family with concerning

and hadn't given them a hand in time continuously with regretful. The chilren

all have raised up in the long run by the blinded mother. She was so worry about

the chilren will feel inferiority of her disable that she didn't live with her children

together and still begged for living alone at an old temple on the mountain. 

這裡有幾件事實,著實讓我震撼不小。第一、媽媽笑著回答 : 先生謝謝喔 ! 第二、

沒有繼續伸出援手;第三、母未同棲簷下,恐子女心生自卑 ; 第四、母仍待在


There are few facts that it really makes me so shock. The first is that the blinded

mother replied, thanks Sir, with smiling. Second, the author didn't give any hand

continously. The third, mother didn't live together with the children for avoiding

of her sons' inferiority. The fourth, blinded mother still begged for living stayed in

the old temple.

想想看這句話 " 先生謝謝喔 ! " ,畫面會說話,回答這句話的當時,鐵定不會是





Think about her replied " Thanks, Sir. "  What is the metaphor and the implication

 in it ?  The picture can speak through the image. At that moment when the blind

mother replied must be uttered by using the dialect of Taiwannese but not

mandarin. Thereupon considering the sistuation at that time, the tone and

intonation of dialect are quitely different from mandarin. The answer mood of

the mother is definitely filled with appreciation but no asking for help with

 confidence. Although she is begging for living, she never let her offspring are

reduced to the same destiny without her deence.


支助嗎,她不是說過這句話 " 先生謝謝喔 ! " ;我想她寧可自食其力以乞討維生






The author regret that he didn't give her assistance continuously. Even though

 he can give her a hand, the sponsor from him could be accepted by her. she ever

said this phrase " Thanks, Sir ! ", didn't she? I think she would rather earn her

living by herself than get profit withou laboring. The groups of disadvantaged

with one kind of self-esteem that is not perceived by the normal public. The

self-protection organism of cynical and resentful of society added that make us

can't far probe through their inner world. Without the properly taking care and

settling down by our society for the disadvantaged groups that is the most serious

 derelictions of authority. Even if we can and will reach our supply to their slums,

all we can affords are a drop in the cup. With finite sources and abilities how  they

can be filled in the infinitive deficiencies and miseries.




Furthermore, to avoid the inferiority proliferating, the blined mother didn't live

with her children under the same eaves. Up that is what kinds of sacrfice and

sentiment showing by the mother and with what kinds of accusation and social

 pressure burdened by the children. Especially of all, she, the blinded mother is

 still begging at the old temple for living, that is what kinds of course of motive

and tolerance, too. I feel a burst of sour and hardship in my nasal cavity.

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