去年全球預估總共有 11,000 家報紙發行,而還有那些可觀的統計數據呢 ?

The number of new titles about the newspaper are explosive and it record 11,000 daily papers produced. what is the other signficantly statistic data can been seen?


1.  全球報紙產業值達到 1,800 億美金。

The global newspaper industry is about $ 180 billions.


2.  每一天全球可賣出 5 億 5,000萬份報紙。

Over 550 millions newspapers are sold in the world everyday.


3.  在過去 18 個月間,投入報業科技的資金達 60 億美金。

In the past one and half year, it has been more than 6 billion dollars invested in newspaper technology.

4. 全球報業的從業人員達 2 百萬人。

Around the whole world the nwspaper employees  are almost 2 million.

5. 報紙是全球第二大的廣告媒體,幾乎佔了 30 %,遠遠超過電台、戶外廣告、電影、雜誌與  網路全部花費;報紙若加上雜誌,其印刷物則是世界最大廣告媒體,占了 42 %。

The world's second-largest advertising medium is the newspapers. They almost share 30 % market and far exceeeding the total consuming of radio, outdoor, cinema, magazine and internet. If they include the magazines, the print is the world's largest advertising medium shared 42 % of market.

6. 每天至少 160 億人會看一份報紙,在過去五年內該數據成長了 5 %。

Everyday 1.6 million people read a newspaper at least and it has grown 5 perrr cent over past five years.

7. 全球報紙的流通量,在過去五年幾乎達到 10 %。 

The newspaper cirlculation of the globe is up almost 10 percent over the five past years.

8. 日本第一大報讀賣新聞已有 130 年歷史,每天印刷 1,400 萬份。

The Yomiuri Shimbun is the largest newspaper in Japan. Its history is over 130 years and issues 14 million copies a day.

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