
葛拉克  奧菲優與尤莉黛絲    Willibald  Gluck  Orpheus & Euridice,那布勒斯聖卡羅劇院交響樂團、合唱團與芭蕾舞團擔綱演出,指揮 Gustav Kuhn,片長 140 分。

Orpheus & Euridice was composed in 1762 by Gluck. In collaboration with the German composer there were two other composers of Italian origin, based in Vienna, equally as busy composing new scores. The very cultureed Ranieri de' Calzabigi was encouraged to work with Gluck by Count Giacomo Durazzo, general director of all the performances at the Hapsbourg Imperial Court, and the ballet dancer Gasparo Angiolini whose concept was to infuse in the dance the "expressive truth". In 1761, with the collaboration of all three, the ballet of "Don Juan Ou Le Festin De Pierre" was created.

The story of Orpheus & Euridice  is very linear and develops in just a few scences. There are only three characters, two lovers and amor.

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