大學生涯是人生中相當重要的階段大學生活不外乎課業生活、校園生活與宿舍生活,這些生活經驗都是重要的學習歷程。學生事務工作以學生為主體,重在關懷學生與 鼓勵學生參與,強調身教甚於言教;爰此,營造安全、溫馨、健康及友善之校園環境,以提供學生在校園品味人文與科技,並藉由社團活動的參與、體驗與實踐,促使身體更健康,心智情緒更成熟,人群關係更自在與融洽,達成全人的發展。

Life of the curriculum, campus and dormitory are included within the university career that is fairly important duration of adolescent experiences. Those experiences of life are all significant learning process. The student affairs job is based on students especially among the fields of concerning about them, encouraging them to participate in public affairs and laying emphasis on example being better than precepts. For the purpose of reaching those goals which mentioned above, we, the student affairs, create the circumstances of campus with safety, warmth, healthy and kindness for what provide our students relish humanism and technology and then with the participation, experience and practice of extracurricular activities to promote more healthy of body, more mature of mental emotion and harmony of interpersonal relationship. All of those are to achieve the development of holistic personality.


Besides the learning of profession knowledge and the technique of researches, we should cultivate our students own the abilities of deliberation and discrimination, judgment of equity and justness. They must realize what the principles of being a human are and breed respectable personality with courage of morality. At the same time not do we only conserve our students with humanism and technology both, but excite the macroscopic international viewpoint and explore the innovation thinking. What the most important is we inspire our students nurturing with paragon of leadership and become intelligentsia with social concerning to lead social values putting forward the social progress. Furthermore, to appreciate ability of altruistic done from daily life then to foster the concerning for the social and global mankind, to pursuit for the growth of eternal learning which all will let them coming into being social elite and worldwide citizenship.


Thus constructing superior environment of learning and living, creating the core value and characteristic of campus culture, promoting holistic personality development and social citizenship, encouraging to take part in clubs activities more that will be the target of our student affairs.


National Cheng Kung University takes care of our students, all the time, with thoughtful deliberately and executive perfectively. Our school always is selected as the domestic university pattern of this country. On the processing of forging ahead into the first-class university, we have drawn up the overall and flawless actions about the student counseling and caring.


1 Constructing superior environment of learning and living

(1)生活與學習的初探:實施新生定向輔導系列活動,邀請最具開放胸襟且有宏觀視野的大師級人物來專題講演,並進行「築夢。逐夢-許願卡」活動及分組討論,期讓新生瞭解成大與身為成大人的使命與任務、有效掌握與運用學校資源及知識份子應有的責任與義務,讓新生於入學之際即體驗並思索大學生活的規劃與未來目標,逐步地築夢踏實實現人生夢想。96學年度新鮮人成長研習會以「世界領航  築夢成大」為活動主軸,約有2,700餘位新生參加。

IExploring initially of Living and Learning Series of activities about Orientation Counseling being carried out for freshmen, we not only invite the famous master with opened-mind and macroscopic field of vision to address specific lecture and hold group discussion, but also proceeding an activity of Chasing Dream with Promise Card. Our intension is to let the freshmen understanding theirs mission and assignment at N.C.K.U. and then grasp or apply the sources of school effectively. Intelligentsia should realize what theirs obligation and responsibility are. On the eve of enrollment we want the freshmen to ruminate theirs planning and future goal to fulfill theirs life dream gradually. We have 2,700 freshmen attended this Freshmen Maturity Symposium of 96 Academic Year with the spindle of World Navigating in N.C.K.U..


IIConstructing Dormitory Community CultureThe Dormitory International Week being planned a series of activities for the residents. Its purpose is to promote the humanism of dormitory residents and makes affection interchanging. We also offer the platform for observing the diversity of culture. Reconstructing and renewing the dormitory continuously to cultivate the good manners of living. On the Academic Year of 96, we have held seven competitive activities about Welcome new residents, Photography, Chess etc. attracted five hundreds residents attending.    


IIIHealth caring for faculty and staffFor the sake of promoting the physical and mental healthy caring of holistic school members to achieve the construction of healthy university.


I. Creating healthy circumstances of campusPopularizing the concept of healthy promotion, surveying and preventing of infectious disease on campus, supervising the hygiene of restaurant regularly and fulfilling the activity of environment protection.


II. Heaving campus health servicesProviding outpatient services on campus, consultation of healthy and treatment services of emergency surgical trauma or injury.


III. Spreading sanitation education and building healthy type of living.

促進心理健康照護:建構 population based community mental health service,並採行三級預防模式,全面性推展心理健康服務,引進自殺防治守門員概念,強化同儕輔導機制。聘有七位具證照的專任輔導或臨床心理師,並建立系所同儕為種籽校園小張老師

IV.            Promoting health caring of mentalityBuilding population based community mental health service and adopting three-degree prophylactic models, pushing forward the fully mental health services, recommending the prophylaxis guide concept of committing suicide, intensifying the organism of peer-group counseling. We employ seven professional consults or clinical psychologists with license and build the peer-group as campus breeding assistants in each department.



IVHealth caring for minority group


a. Immigrant students: Providing the omni-aspect services continuously, cultivating the identification of Taiwan , promoting the learning and community services for the immigrant students.


b. Disable studentsProviding the omni-aspect counsel and assistance, activating the organism of linage system for new disable student, holding counseling review meeting for the disable student periodically to meet specific demands of different other disabled.


2Creating the core value and characteristic of campus culture


I Cultivating characteristic education profoundly


IIInterchanging among faculty, student and parentsFulfilling the mentor system and consolidating the counseling energy of departments, selecting the excellent honored mentor of whole school and the best honored mentor of every college.


IIIDredging the interaction channel between school and student, forwarding to and fro communication such as holding the informal discussion meeting between chancellor and students, vice president for student affairs and student autonomous organizations or school and patriarch.


IVHeaving the mood of campus humanism, cultivating the reading habit and forming the attitude of eternal learning, assembling dormitory of reading committee to push forward the lecture course of celebrity and the fragrant of books monthly.


3Promoting holistic personality development and social citizenship


ISocial participation concerning and altruistic activity: Setting the diversity participation channel up, integrating the courses of service-learning, providing the multi-choice, placing important on the propaganda of the service-learning concepts, creating the triple–winning among school students and the community together.


IICultivating the leadership, mature character, multi-thinking and critical ability for studentsThe Student Forum of Cheng Kung University held on March every year, we invite the master dialogued with the student elites freely to inspire our students having introspection and action when they face with the celebrities and theirs aptitudes. It brings the multi-inspiration thinking and excites the macroscopic international viewpoint. The main theme of 96 academic year of student forum is Love, Dream and Mates of NCKU attracted 2,050 personae attending totally..


IIIExploring the global and multi-culture viewpointVisiting and interflowing with Kanazawa Institute of Technology, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Lingnan University, holding serial activities such as International Festival, Exhibition of foreign cuisines and cultures, Recognizing the scenic beauty of Taiwan etc to let our students tolerating different cultures and cultivating diversity culture viewpoint.


IVExpanding of graduatesIntegrating the resources of individual organization, investigating the employment rate of graduates and the satisfactory rate of employers to understand the situation of graduates for the reference of graduates development, setting up the web site of Career Expert to provide more convenient and pertinent services. In the future we will invite the IBM superintendent to serve as the enterprise mentor of girl students to assist cultivating the female technology heroine.



南區學務中心 The Student Affairs of Southern District


For the purpose of strengthening the student affairs and counseling function in the universities and academic schools at southern district, we integrate related man-power and raise service quality to provide the assistance for those schools dealing with the problems of student affairs and counseling around this area. The service objects are including 59 schools of southern region.

    重點工作如下:The job is focusing on as follow


1. Promoting the development of student affairs, integrating southern individual school resources of student affairs for sharing.


2. Emulating and learning the characteristic of student affairs from each school mutually


3. Integrating the resources and interchanging the working experience.


4. Cohering the common consensus of student affairs and counseling execution.


5. Reinforcing the professional and management knowledge for the staff of student affairs and counseling.


6. Inheriting and interflowing of the student affairs and counseling at emulating.


7. Acting the role of contacting and coordinating between school affairs.


8. Visiting each school to understand the student affairs situation and exchanging the experiences periodically.


9. Collecting and publishing the student affairs reference data and compiling the related working method or measurement to provide for school reference around this area.


10.Establishing the working squad of committee consulting to hold the consult meeting when encountering sever student affairs incident.


11. Assisting to activate the organism to deal with a contingency or emergency incident.

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