
                        ( The formation layout of AMONG THREE)


                                    AMONG THREE


What’s the difference among three images?

三幅影像間的差異何在 ?

    Here annex three images to the left column. When you first read the cover of Time (top), squares of the slaughtered victims photos at Virginia Tech., issued on April 30, 2007, and the blocks of our smiling students facial expression posters both (center & below) which were respectively designed and compiled by my layman staff here, what kinds of directly reflection it will occur to you or stirs up your dubious thinking? They look so similar, don’t they? Were you in doubt it seems that they were plagiarized from TIME magazine or just only variation in formation of layout? 

畫面左方有三幅影像,當您初次看到位於欄位頂端, 2007 年 4 月 30 日時代週刊於封面上刊載維吉尼亞技術學院遭槍殺被害人的照片,與畫面中間 ( 該幅是由筆者所設計 ) 與左下方 ( 本幅是由同仁門外漢所加工編排 ) 兩張學子微笑容顏的海報時,你會有怎樣的直接反映或是會激發曖昧的想法,懷疑海報似乎是抄襲自雜誌,不然它們怎麼如此雷同,還是它們只是排版格式的迥異呢 ?

    Few weeks ago when messenger took the magazine, TIME, from Office of Vice President for Student Affairs back to my working booth and attached two pieces of adhesive note on it, one light blue one thin yellow, blue one marked providing for reference and yellow one wrote it should be returned back. At the inception of glance on image of the cover page, suddenly did burgeon an astonishment of feeling from my inner heart. Oh my God! It will make somebody mistaken the both low left images for imitation from the top left one, if he is indulgence in reading TIME. He will have this kind of linking, just like the messenger who brought the magazine back she told me the first words when she handed it to me was “why does your poster look so alike the cover of the magazine? “. The only thing what I can do is say nothing at that moment. 


幾周前張三自學務長辦公室攜回當期時代週刊到我辦公區時,週刊封面黏上兩張不同顏色便利貼,一張淺藍、一張淺黃;淺藍貼紙標有請參考而淺黃則註明閱後歸還字樣;初瞥封面圖片,一股驚異突然自內心萌生,我的天呀 ! 一定會有人誤認左下兩張圖模仿左上那張,如果嗜好閱讀時代週刊讀者, 定會有如此之聯想,就正如張三帶回雜誌交給我時,他對我講的第一句話就是 " 你的海報怎麼和雜誌封面ㄧ模一樣,當時我啞口無言。

 At the outset few days I felt very depressed and upset about the identical of those two images. I just realize that creation process of poster is really composed by myself but I am despondent in short of any efficient evidences to explain it.  


What’s the metaphor of title -- Among Three?

文章標題 " 三者之間 " 有何隱喻

    How lucky an author I am! Mirror arrangement to right column is also three images which were adopted from two new publications that were just born on June, one magazine, International Creative BusinessICB, one new book, Design Rules. The former is periodical issued on 5th of every month and retailed at each 7-11 shop. The latter is translated from Japanese and its original author is 伊達千. The Chinese edition translator is柳曉陽. Among three images at right column reveals the detail clues within theirs contexts which distinct describe the principles of poster one should obey but I have already known beyond them and made it materialized in my poster.       


身為作者的我又何其有幸,圖片右欄有著三幅影像係摘自二種新出版品;其ㄧ是民國九十六年六月份新創刊的國際創意商業雜誌,另ㄧ則為新書 " 設計的文法 "。前者是期刊,每月五日出刊在各地統一超商零售,後者則由日本作家伊達千代執筆,而由國人柳曉陽印成中文發行。書中內容與右欄圖中的影像,多多少少透露出些許端倪,卻詳述了海報應遵循的基本原則,但是我卻早已他們幾步,將其在我設計的海報中具體呈現。


    First, once again I deliberately looked the published date of the cover page, I searched one clue that my creation is prior to the published day of TIME and ICB magazine or new book above mentioned.


首先,我再度詳細審視封面的出版日期,不經意的發現ㄧ線索,我創作的日期是早於 TIME 雜誌以及文前所提到的 ICB 雜誌與新書的出版日期。


    Second, the typeface we used in our poster that the ICB magazine emphasized they are choice of 500 big enterprises all over  the globe in common, including ROLLS ROYCE, TOYOTA, MUJI, INTEL, SAAB, PANASONIC, 3M , FENDI, HARLEY and Bank of America etc.. They all love to use the same thing, a typeface, Helvetica, which can conquer human mind exceeding boundary. It announces when you are not so satisfied with the logo design of own company you can try using the typeface of Helvetica and it will make your company looking as attractive as BMW. The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) even builds the typeface, Helvetica, as his earliest font collection to celebrate its presented to public for half century. English has two styles of typeface. One is called Sans Serif ( 非襯線體 ) other is Serif ( 襯線體 ). Sans Serif is respectably the same as Chinese typeface and Serif is considerably equal to 細明體. The article described of Helvetica belongs to Sans Serif. The typeface of Helvetica its purpose is for large or small text and as an all-purpose typeface. It is a traditional font in the nineteen century style and designed by Max Miedinger in 1957 for the Haas foundry in Basel , Switzerland . Helvetica is now one of the most widely used type families, especially for computer applications and operating systems. Helvetica is an adaptation from Helvetia and its Latin meaning is Switzerland. Its clear and concise letter forms are flexible at any size and make it ideal for a variety of Communication forms.


其次,海報中我使用的字體是 ICB 雜誌所強調全球 500 大企業,包括勞斯萊斯、豐田、明治、INTEL、紳寶、國際、3M、FENDI、哈雷與美國銀行等的共同選擇。他們全愛使用ㄧ種超越疆界征服人心的相同字體  HELVETIA;它宣稱如果你不滿意自己公司的商標設計,試試 Helevtia 準沒錯,會讓你的公司像 BMW ㄧ樣迷人。紐約現代美術館甚至把 Helvetia 字體收為館藏,當成其問世 50 周年賀禮。  


英語有兩種字體的類型,ㄧ種稱之為襯線體,襯線體則類似中文的細明體、一種則是非襯線體,非襯線體等同於中文的黑體。文中所說明的 Helvetia 字型屬於非襯線體,Helvetia 字型的目的是要成為一種全功能與內文大、小字型通吃的字體;於 1957 年由 Max Miedinger 所設計,供瑞士設在 Basel 的 Hass 鑄造廠所使用的十九世紀傳統字體。而 Helvetia 目前是使用最廣泛的字體,尤其是電腦應用與操作系統上。 Helvetica 改編自 Helvetia,而其拉丁意義就是瑞士。簡潔的字母形式深具彈性,適用任何大小形狀,是各種不同傳遞理想溝通形式。


           Third, the above image at low right column indicates on every average chamferred area equipped with picture of a character. It will lure our gaze’s attraction. No matter what it is the face of animals or human beings, they all have the fascination to arrest everybody’s vision. In my works we just have the same idea by coinciden.




     Three images intrigue three important & different concepts of thinking and it respectly be edited with three columns format. That is why my article is titled with Among Three.


三幅影像引發三種重要而迥異的思考概念,而又各分別以三欄格式編排,也就是何以文章命名 Among Three 的緣由。




    After finishing this paragraph, the United Daily News A14 page on July 4th showed up a big photography of smiling children faces of Garden Elementary School at 哈爾濱. It dubbed this lovely picture of every cute face made the campus full of fragrant and also verifies the theory that the personage is the best subject for which we use to describe. I added it as postscript.


剛下筆完稿,七月四日聯合報 A14 版刊登出了ㄧ張哈爾濱花園小學學童微笑臉孔的純真圖片,每張可愛臉孔的微笑表情強化了校園的芬芳,也驗證了人物是用來描述的最佳主體的理論,乃加為附註。



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