趣味橫生的時光˙我的二十世紀人生   Interesting Times --- A Twentieth -- Century Life, Eric Hobsbawn   艾瑞克˙霍布斯邦原著、周全譯,左岸文化出版,564 頁, 20.8 X 14.9 公分,售價 450 元,2008  年 6 月初版 ,ISBN  :  978 - 986 - 6723 - 07 - 0、平裝。 
English Version :  Interesting Times --- A Twentieth -- Century Life, By Eric Hobsbawn, Published by Abacus, 448 pages, 12.1 X 19.8 cm, CAN. $23, NT.$ 550, ISBN -13  :  978 - 0 - 349 - 07 - 011353 - 1, ISBN - 10 : 0 - 349 - 11353 -X, Paper Bound.

何謂 " 自傳 " 、何謂 " 傳記 "  ? 自傳是你寫你自己的歷史,當然你如位居高官,可能就有人為你捉刀,但是傳記就不同囉,大體而言是歷史學家為之;各種傳記會隨著書中主角的死亡而畫上句點,可是自傳卻欠缺此種結局。哲學家阿格尼斯˙海勒 ( Agnes Heller ) 曾經說過 : 傳記也算是種歷史著作,它由外部來進行審視已經發生過的事件,可是自傳確是由內部來進行觀察。

What is the difference between autobiography and biography? Autobiography is self-history that written by oneself, but if you were to be honored with high official titles that it will be ghostwritten by the flatter. The biography is quite difference from that of by person, in generally, by historian. Every kind of biography will be end through the pass away of the protagonist, but as the autobiographyis rather not the same denouement. The philosopher,  Agnes Heller, ever said that the biography is rather a historian writing, it was  from outside to inspect the accidents that those were ever happened but the autobiography is observed directly from inside.

本書非但是作者艾瑞克˙霍布斯邦的自傳,也是他自己所書寫的傳記,他說 : 一位知識分子的自傳必須涉及他自己的理念、態度與作為,而不是只是一份自我宣傳的文件,而且只有天才才有資格自說自話,當然更增添了本書的可看性與其中所帶來的啟示與激盪。艾瑞克˙霍布斯邦這位英籍猶太裔的共產主義信仰者從試圖 " 改造世界 " 變成致力於 " 詮釋世界 ",其中的轉折又是怎樣的一番心路歷程,他以一個非典型馬克思主義者、一位以理服人的左派歷史學家,怎樣在冷戰時期的西方世界,力爭上游而揚名立萬,都會給我們激起相當大的迴響。

Interesting Times --- A Twentieth -- Century Life is not only a autobiography written by Eric Hobsbawn but a biography by himself. He said, the autobiography of an intellectual is necessarily also about his ideas, attitudes and actions but it should not be a piece of advocacy and the only justification for such an ego-tripis genius. This increases its readable, of course, in edification and agitation also bringing. Eric Hobsbawn, a Jewish born English writer, a faithful communist,  who tried to " reform the world " and became devoting to " annotation the world ". What the courses and schemes he thinks of that in the procedure of transition. He is not a typical Marxism but a historian of Left to convince people by reasoning. How did he strive for his best under hardship and becomes famous for his expounding doctrine during the cold war in western world. All of those arise fairly tremendous reverberate for us.


This book is by means of rather deepgoing mode to emerge the interweaving between personal's life and the epoch which one located, at the same time, also observing. That will be beneficial to mold the historical analysis of getting beyond from both. Human being can create their own style of living but can't create life at will even though according to the environment they have chosen. Only can they according to what they encounter directly but the environment and experience which originated from past and extend to this day or on the basis of the world that  encircles their sourranding for creating life. The published of this book, it will be benefit for those of the accidents that happened at the remote place and time and by means of the recalling to let the junior readers get more closer the the history of 20 century. Besides,  the grand old men  have been involved in those historical activities or profession for a long time and are greatly respected whom still alive that will awaken the recollecting pleasant flavor of enduring on the past days.

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