
BRAND 誰在玩品牌 --- 20 位台灣品牌築夢人驚艷國際的品牌傳奇,聯合晚報編輯部編着,聯經出版,240 頁, 21 X 14.8 公分,售價 300 元,2008  年 2 月初版 ,ISBN  :  978 - 957 - 08  - 3246 - 4,平裝。

世界十大營建設備廠牌 --- Ten Building Brands of the World

1. 玻璃 GLASS : 日本東京的旭硝子株式会社 Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. or AGC ( Asahi Garasu Kabushiki-gaisha)   ,年產值約 170 億新台幣,1907 年由 Toshiya Iwasaki 所創立,父親是三菱總裁。另前兩大公司分別是 : 法國巴黎的尚高賓 Saint-Gobain Glass  、英國墨希塞德 ( Merseyside ) 的 Pilkington。

2. 鋼鐵 STEEL :  盧森堡的安賽樂米塔爾 ArcelorMittal 公司  ,2006 年六月 Mittal 與 Arcelor 公司簽約合併後年產值約 3365 億新台幣,在全世界 60 多個國家,共擁有 31 萬個員工;CEO 是印度裔的 Lakshmi Mittal,是世界排名第四的富翁。另前兩大公司分別是 : 日本東京的新日本製鐵株式會社 ( Shin Nippon Seitetsu Kabushiki-gaisha)  Nippon Steel 、日本東京的 JFE 钢铁株式会社 JFE Steel Corporation。  

3. 水泥 CEMENT : 瑞士蘇黎世的賀禧 Holcim  ,1912 年在瑞士鄉村 Holderbank 創立,原以該地名位公司命名直到 2001 年改稱為 Holcim ,在全世界 70 個國家共有員工 9 萬人。另前兩大公司分別是 : 法國巴黎的拉法基瑞安 LaFarge  、墨西哥市的喜麥思 Cemex 。

4. 挖掘機 DIGGERS : 美國皮歐里  Peoria 的卡特彼勒 Caterpillar  ,年產值約 900 億新台幣。另前兩大公司分別是 : 日本東京的小松 komatsu  、英國羅徹斯特 Rochester 的 JCB。

5. 升降機 LIFTS : 美國華明頓 Farmington 的奧的斯 Otis  ,1854 年世界貿易展 World Trade Fair 時,Elisha Graves Otis 把首部升降機推上商展,而以 " 會上升的房子 " 聞名。2007 年銷售總額達 372 億新台幣。另前兩大公司分別是 : 瑞典愛必康 Ebikon 的 Schindler  、芬蘭愛斯博 Espoo 的 Kone。

6. 起重機 CRANES : 瑞士布勒爾的 Liebherr  ,由 Hans Liebherry 於 1949 年在瑞士創立,雖拓展至擁有 2 萬 6 千名員工,公司仍由家族經營。另前兩大公司分別是 : 杜塞道夫 Dusseldorf  的 Demag  、美國威斯康辛 Wisconsin 的 Manitowoc。

7. 空調 AIR-CONDITIONING : 美國華明頓 Farmington 的開立 Carrier  ,梵蒂岡要為西斯汀教堂安裝空氣調節系統時,曾求助於此美國廠家。開立冷氣空調系統發明人 Willis Carrier 剛開始將其稱之為 "人造天氣 ",從 1902 年起冷氣空調成為該公司的專業,ㄧ年售出的設備達 465 億新台幣。另前兩大公司分別是 : 日本大阪 Osaka 的大金 Daikin  、日本東京 Tokyo 的三菱 Mitsubishi。

8. 營造 CONTRUCTION : 法國盧艾-馬爾邁松 Rueil-Malmaison 的達芬奇 Vinci 是目前世界上最大營造公司  ,於 1899 年由 Alexandre Giros 與 Louis Louvher 在法國創立。年產值 680 億新台幣。另前兩大公司分別是 : 法國巴黎 Paris 的 Bouygues  、西班牙馬德里 Madrid 的 Grupo ASC。

9. 磚塊 BRICKS : 奧地利維也納 Vienna 的 Wienerberger  ,由擁有 189 年歷史的地方磚窯廠成長為世界領導品牌的製造商,也是世界第二大的泥瓦片廠;2007 年磚塊總銷售金額新台幣90 億元,銷售市場遍及巴爾幹、波蘭與烏克蘭。另前兩大公司分別是 : 英國倫敦 London 的 Hanson  、愛爾蘭都柏林 Dublin 的 CRH。

10. 纜線 WIRES : 法國巴黎 Paris 的 耐克森 Nexans  ,電纜與光纖佔去了巴黎地區的公司整年總營收新台幣 370 億的百分之30,2008 年 4 月 Nexans 宣稱擁有兩項世界紀錄是最高伏特的最常電纜鋪設;這家公司源自 1897 位於里昂 Lyon 的 Societe Francaise des Cables。另前兩大公司分別是 : 義大利米蘭 Milan 的 Prysmian  、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 Amzterdam 的 Draka。


也談家用建材設備 20 大着名廠牌 --- 20 Perfect House Best Elements


If you are looking to build an entire house from scratch, or give an existing one a remodel, we know all the best brands to use - from Danish bricks to Japanese bathrooms, Swedish doors to German floors, the sum of these parts is a finely crafted, globally literate residence.

1. 拉門 :   義大利製,滑動拉門唯一首選;尤其是 1992 年義大利建築師 Giuseppe Bavuso, 所設計的 Siparium 這款型號,獨創之滑軌系統,讓 Siparium 以高超品質在1993 年贏得“ Young & Design”獎項,直至今日仍是 Rimadesio 最暢銷之產品。拉門皆由 100% 可回收再利用的基本材料玻璃及鋁製成,可為每個房間量身打造,非但骨架經陽極化處理且玻璃也經強化處理,經久而耐用。工廠位於 Giussano。  

1. Sliding Door : When it comes to sliding doors, only Italian brand Rimadesio will do. Our favorite model is Siparium, designed by Italian architect Giuseppe Bavuso in 1992. Custom-built for each room, the doora are made from aluminum and glass - panes are avilable in over 30 different finishes. You are unlikely to have many breakages either - the glass undergoes a tempering process which Rimadesio claims makes it five times more resistant than normal glass. The Rimadesio factory is in Giussano.

2. 隔熱材 :      コスモプロジェクト株式会社 

新的隔熱材( 羊毛断熱材 サーモウール )係由羊毛混合,以聚酯纖維與純羊毛摻合,能有效阻絕熱源與防止冷氣散溢達 71 %,達到少花點鈔票效益;羊毛断熱材非但無味也不會造成過敏,況且羊毛更是天然除濕劑,也非常適合潮濕氣候。日本九州 コスモプロジェクト株式会社 出品的羊毛断熱材,對環保助益有口皆碑。

2. Insulation : To keep heating and air-con bill to a minimum we favour Thermowool, a new wool-blend insulating material which can cut heat loss or gain by 71 per cent. Combining virgin wool with fine polyester fibers that are heat-bonded, Thermowool is odour-free and non-allergenic. Another benefit: wool is a natural dehumidifier, making it ideal for damp climate. Made by Cosmo Project, a Kyushu firm that makes environmentally friendly sound and building insulation materials.

3. 磚塊 :  創立於1791 年的丹麥 PETERSEN 公司,生產手工磚塊已 2 世紀,目前由第八代的 PETERSEN 家族經營,產品廣為全世界建築師所喜愛。丹麥南方 BROAGER 廠以木炭窯燒製的磚塊有著不同效果,如想要真正特殊的可選擇 PETERSEN 訂製的 KOLUMBA 扁長型磚塊。

3. Bricks : This Danish firm has been making its handmade bricks for centuries. Established in 1791 and now run by the eighth generation of the Petersen family, the bricks have become a favorite of archictures worldwide. Produced in Broager, southern Denmark, the bricks are charcoal fired for different effects. Looking for something really specific? Then you can opt for Petersen's long, thin, made-to- measure Kolumba bricks.

4. 吊扇 :  STRATOS 圓滑拋光鋁製扇葉的外觀,再度深受當代建築師青睞;1950 年代以來 STRATOS 非但是最體面吊扇的始祖,也極富能源效率。位於奧勒岡州的現代風扇廠宣稱其產品可降低能源消耗達 40 %,而且也能降低室內溫度達 8 度之多;由 Ron Rezek 所設計的 STRATOS 型吊扇,儼然已成 17 款簡易型吊扇的經典。

4. Ceiling Fan : The sleek, brushed-aluminum looks of a Stratos fan have reintroduced the ceiling fan to modern architecture. Stratos is not just the first decent-looking ceiling fan since the 1950s, but it is also energy efficient. The Modern Fan Company, headquartered in Oregon, claims it reduces power consumption by 40 per cent and can lower the temperature by eight degrees. Designed by Ron Rezek, the Stratos has become the classic in his collection of 17 simply styled ceiling fans.

5. 木地板 :   品質好的木地板來的不易且昂貴,位於德國 Peiting 的 Schotten & Hansen 廠手工製作三層木地板長達數十載,客戶可挑選各種不同木材、質地、顏色與長寬來訂做;銷售最好的橡木,透過小心翼翼的煙燻與天然上油及塗臘,可擁有 16 種不同的色澤。公司也提供保養服務,來確保您使用的木地板長年如新。

5. Wooden Floor : A good wooden floor does not come easy or cheap. German company Schotten & Hansen has been handcrafting its tripple-layered boards in Peiting for decades. Custom-designed, clients can pick from a wide variety of wood, textures and colors, as well as lengths and widths. The bestselling oak is available in 16 different shades, the result of careful smoking and working with natural oils and waxes. The company also offers a maintenance service to ensure your floor ages gracefully. 

6. 木門 :  1943 年 Bengt Gustafsson 在瑞典設立木工廠,肇因於童年至家族的木材店玩耍,協助製作窗框時所啟發。1960 年代初期 Bovalls 將焦點轉移至木門生產,門框、嵌板、周邊等全由ㄧ群位於 Bovallstrand 的木匠手工刨製,因此絕不會有兩個木門ㄧ模ㄧ樣。客戶可挑選各種不同的設計與松、橡、柚、櫻桃及胡桃等木料。

6. Wooden Door : Bengt Gustafsson set up his Swedish woodworking company in 1943. He was inspired by childhood trips to the family's timber shop where he helped make window frames. Bovalls turned its focus to making doors at the beginning of the 1960s. Frames, panels and surrounds are all hand-made by a team of carpenters in Bovallstrand - so no two doors are ever identical. You can choose from a wide variety of designs and wood, including pine, oak, teak, cherry and walnut.

7. 瓦片 :  Nicarustica 牌瓦片,仍使用尼加拉瓜用了四百年的相同的配方與方法,並以手工窯燒,泥瓦片幾乎仍同樣耐用。Nicarustica 瓦片是中美洲殖民地房舍特有的紅色,無從仿冒;實乃因其係由天然泥土、沙與研磨細緻的火山頂泥土混合,用桉木高溫燒成。可暴露惡劣天候下,強度特異。

7. Clay Roof Tile : Nicarustica clay roof tiles are still hand-fired in Nicaragua with the same formula and methods that they have been using for 400 years. And the roofs can last almost as long. Nicarustica tiles are an authentic, distinctive red of Centeral American colonial-style homes. Because they are made from natural clay, sand and finely ground volcanic top soil and fired at high temperatures by eucalyptus wood, the tiles have exceptional strength and improve with exposure to the elements.

8. 暖房裝置 :   Caleido 公司從北義大利 Bresica 的兩家工廠裝運鋼製暖房設備至全世界 40 多個國家,出售超過 40 多種不同款式,家庭使用大都安裝壁掛式 Gabbiano 暖爐。功能考量的第一首選是 Caleido,該款暖爐發散出最大量熱氣優於功能性的設計。1933 年 Danilo Rossetti 設立這家家族經營的品牌,是家族集團商業和工業不動產—開發商和代理處的一部份。

8. Radiators : Shipped from two factories in Bresica, northern Italy, Caleido exports its steel radiators to 40 countries. With more than 40 different models on offer, in our perfect home we would choose to install the simple wall Gabbiano heater. Function always comes first with Caleido: the  creation of radiators that emit the maximum amount of heat takes priority over fussy designs. Danilo Rossetti founded the family-run brand in 1933. It is party of parent group

9. 門配件 :  1881年由Franz Schneider 創立的德國公司,開始製造門配件與把手,在  Brakel 的工廠 FSB 耗費了數十載來掌握門把的人因工程,過去 20年甚至延攬了著名的設計師 Otl Aicher。有了大量精品可選,客戶簡直是被寵壞了;但是公司本身仍選用新的青銅門把,假以時日,自然而然的因觸摸而產生令人滿意的古銅色。

9. Door Fittings : Founded in 1881 by Franz Schneider, the German company started off making brass fittings and door handles. From its factory in Brakel, FSB has spend decades mastering the ergonomics of the humble door handle - over the past 20 years it has even enlisted legendary designer Otl Aicher. With a vast portfolio, you have spoilt for choice, but on our doors we are fixing handles from the new bronze collection - over time the handle satisfyingly darkens naturally with use.

10. 書架 :  Vitsoe 606 型萬用書架系統 ( Universal Shelving System ) , 是空前深受喜愛而且銷售最好型號。1960 年由 Dieter Rams 所設計,他試圖創造出能輕易組裝而且極具彈性的系統;簡潔比例的線條、粉塗裝的精巧鋼製書架,緊緊地塞入掛孔。組合式模組系統包括壁式掛軌能支撐書架、櫃子與桌面,有灰色、銀色與黑色等色彩。

10. Shelving : A best-seller for Vitsoe, and one of our favorite all-time products, is the 606 Universal Shelving System. Designed by Dieter Rams in 1960, his ambition was to create a flexible system that could be assembled with ease. With its clean, rational silhouette, the shelves crafted in powder-coated steel, squeeze into even the tightest spot. The modular system consists of wall-mounted tracks that can support the shelves, as well as cabinets and desks. It's available in off-white, silver and black.

11. 廚具 :   Boffi 是世界上某幾個最漂亮的廚具系統,70 多年前由 Piero Boffi 在 Cesano Maderno 設立,這家義大利公司也生產衛浴設備。1990 年起義大利設計師 Piero Lissoni 擔任創意總監,將腦筋轉注於精緻的工藝技術,混搭材料使具更有豪華效果與趣味性,公司的廚房使用 2005 餐桌系統系列 ( Table System series ) ,讓延伸的吧台有了更充足的工作檯面。

11. Kitchen Units : Boffi's kitchen system are some of the world's most beautiful. The Italian firm, which also manufactures bathroom products, was established over 70 years ago by Piero Boffi in Cesano Maderno. Since 1990, creative director Italian designer Piero Lissoni has been at the helm, turning his hand to sleek technical systems, mixing up materials to interesting and luxurious effect. In our kitchen, we'd install Lissoni's 2005 Table System series - the extending bar gives plenty of added work surface area.

12. 烤箱 :  全世界最好餐廳的廚房內,都可看到這個法國知名品牌的烤箱。在哥本哈根新開的 Nimb 餐廳,我們偷偷喵到這具在法國南部 Saint-Uze 工廠訂做製造閃閃發亮的型號。1923 年 Joseph Molteni 設立這家公司,起初是燒木頭與炭的烤箱,而今天的烤箱的材質從琺瑯、鉻、黃銅到不鏽鋼,應有盡有。

12. Oven : You will find these French ovens in the kitchen of some of the world's best restaurants - we spied a gleaming model in one of Nimb's new restaurants. The ovens are custom-designed and manufactured in a factory in Saint-Uze, in the south of France. Joseph Molteni, who set up the company in 1923, learnt his trade making wood and coal stoves. Today the stoves come in a range of finishes: enamel, chrome, brass and stainless steel.

13. 電冰箱 :  為保持美酒與佳餚的冷藏,非 Gaggenau 牌冰箱莫屬。冷凍櫃、冰箱與冷酒器等,依據簡單、功能與德國人一絲不苟精神的取向下,設定工業的標準進行設計;所有產品在 Reinhard Segers 的創意指導下獨立設計,新產品 Vario 系列深受大眾喜愛,特色是醒目突出與不鏽鋼內裝。Gaggenau 總部位於慕尼黑,歐洲各地都設有工廠。

13. Fridge : To keep our wine and food chilled, we are installing a Gaggenau. The collection of fridge-freezers, refrigerators and wine coolers set an industry standard with their simple, functional designs and German precision. All products are designed in-house under the creative direction of Reinhard Segers. A favourite is the new Vario series, which feature spotlights and stainless steel interior. Headquartered in Munich, Gaggenau has factories across Europe.

14. 衛浴 :   浴室配件能結合新科技與優雅設計, 求諸於東陶 ( TOTO ),1917 年從九州起家,東陶電腦水療便座「洗淨 Washlet 」為人類帶來最大革新,就是免用衛生紙的便後冲淨與烘乾設計, 是日本無所不在的生活特色。東陶的研究員持續使產品更完美與尖端,除讓產品易於維護也能減少水量消耗。首選是 「洗淨 」Neorest 壁掛控制面板與獨立淋浴沖洗間一體成型。

14. Bathroom : For bathroom fittings that combine good design with new technology, turn to Toto. Based in Kyushu since 1917, Toto gave the world the Washlet, the paper-free loo with wash and blow-dry settings, a ubiquitous feature of life in Japan. The Toto boffins continue to perfect the technology, making their produces easier to maintain while reducing water consumption. Top choice: a Neorest Washlet with wall-mounted control panel and a separate all-in-one bath and shower room.

15. 地毯 :  沒有比浴室潮濕踏墊更糟的了,為甚麼我們會想躺在芬蘭設計師 Hanna Korvela 所設計的 Aqua 地毯的原因了;雙面編織地毯具防水功能,有七種不同顏色,包括藍綠色、紅色與黑色,但一般較鍾情於較舒坦的米黃色。1994 年 Korvela 設立設計工作室以 Duetto 命名,房內所用小地毯以紙紗線和棉混編而成。

15. Carpet : There are few things worse than a soggy bathroom mat. That's why we are laying down the Aqua carpet by Finnish designer, Hanna Korvela. It is a reversible woven carpet made from water-repellants, it is available in seven color including turquoise, red and black - but we are fond of the soothing beige version. Korvela set up her design studio in 1994, making a name for herself with Duetto, a rug crafted in paper yarn and cotton tricot.

16. 太陽能 :   庸庸擾擾的世界,維持水準的設計是永不停歇的。日本浜松市的 OM 環境計畫,在由 Masamitsu Nozawa 設計的屋子內採用OM 太陽能集熱板與通風系統。金屬的屋頂與被覆玻璃的面板,以陽光輻射中間層的空氣利用來提供暖氣與熱水。自 2003 年起日本已有 25,000 個家庭安裝 OM 太陽能,也使用於學校及公共建築。

16. Solar Heating : In an overcrowded world, sustainable design has to be the way forward. OM Environmental Planning in Hamamatsu, Japan is responsible for the OM solar heat and ventilation system, when we saw at the house designed by Masamitsu Nozawa. Using a metal roof and glass-covered panels, air is trapped between the two layers, heated by the sun and then uses to provide both heat and hot water, Since 2003 over 25,000 OM Solar homes have been built in Japan and it is being used in schools and public buildings.

17. 窗扉 :  德國對房屋設備要求的完美與法國木匠的技藝兩者的絕佳組合,促成 Bieber 木窗扉舉世領先的地位。1928 年 Bieber 設立於 Waldhambach ,在全世界 20 多個國家都有設廠,包括德國、南韓、葡萄牙等國。窗扉全係手工製作並以無害環境塗料上漆,該公司也提供訂製法國窗扉服務。

17. Windows : A conbination of its hard-working German fixtures and French carpentry make Bieber's wooden window frames some of the best around. Bieber was founded in 1928 in Waldhambach. It now has operations in more than 20 countries, including Germany, South Korea and Portugal. Window casements are handmade and frames are treated with environmentally friendly stains. It also offers custom-made French windows.

18. 天窗 :   1941 年丹麥結構工程師 Villum Kann Rasmussen 設立 Velux,為追求能形成最大添光效果,他總共申請了 55 項專利並創造了 9 項設計,第一件於 1942 年安裝於丹麥的學校內。大部分Velux 天窗使用獨一無二的軸承絞鏈系統,而且全是以木頭與鋁件製成。Velux 總部位於 Horsholm ,在全球有 10 家製造廠;而旋動百葉天窗也因精巧設計而獲得 RED DOT 傑出設計獎。

18. Skylights : Velux was founded by Danish structural engineer Villum Kann Rasmussen in 1941, who registered 55 patents and created nine designs in the quest to create the ultimate skylight, the first of which was installed in a Danish school in 1942. Most Velux skylights use a unique pivot hinge system and all are crafted in wood and aluminium. Headquarted in Horsholm, Velux now manufactures in 10 countries. Its roller-shutter skylight picked up a Red Dot award for its sleek design.

19. 照明 :   德國 Erco 公司號稱自己為 " 燈光工廠 " 而無所不包,公司總部位於 Ludenscheid , Erco 點亮周遭從住家、藝廊到機場旅館與公共紀念建築物。在雅緻的設計工作室, Erco 結合科技與 Yves Behar 和 Naoto Fukasawa 兩位名設計師合作,開發出新的原型。完美的居家應具備所有 Erco 配件及設備,並傾向於採用低電壓的簡易嵌壁式鹵素投射燈。

19. Lighting : German firm Erco doesn't call itself the "Lighting Factory" for nothing. Headquarted in Ludenscheid, Erco lights up everything, from homes and art galleries to hotels, airports and public monuments. With a dedicated design studio, Erco pushes technology and has collaborated with Yves Behar and Naoto Fukasawa to launch new prototypes. In our perfect home, we would want all Erco fittings and fixtures. We are opting for some simple recessed spotlights using low voltage halogen.

20. 保全 : 除非您住在哥本哈根,否則安全便是一個無可避免的議題。日本首選的家用保全公司 Secom ,讓你高枕無憂。1962 年設立於東京,提供一系列服務,從最先進保全設備 ( 包括安全防護玻璃及指紋門禁 )到緊急醫護、瓦斯洩漏、非法侵入等無所不包的監控系統,更提供滅火器與地震套件。

20 Security : Unless you live in Copenhagen, security is increasingly becoming an issue. For peace of mind we would turn to Japan's No. 1 home security company, Secom. Founded in 1962 and based in Toyko, it offers a range of service, from installing state-of-the-art security equipment (including break-resistant glass and fingerprint-sensitive front door locks) to monitoring your home for everything from instrusion and fire to gas leaks and medical emergencies. Secom also supplies fire extinguishers and earthquake kits.

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