
我到我們的世代 --- 新一代的快樂人生哲學  Me to We -- Finding Meaning in

a Material World,魁格˙柯柏格 ( Craig Kielburger )、馬克˙柯柏格

 ( Marc Kielburger ) 原着,吳怡靜、林雨蒨、黃敦晴合譯,天下文化出版,

304 頁, 14.8 X 20.6 公分,售價 320 元,2008  年 7 月 30 日第一版

第一次印行,ISBN 978 - 986 - 6582 - 08 - 0,英文版 ISBN: 978 - 0 -

7432 - 9831 - 5,平裝。

12 歲時,你會做甚麼;記得 10 多年前魁格˙柯柏格 ( Craig Kielburger ) 起來號召「解放兒童 Free the Children 運動時,一下子舉世聞名。真不敢想像一個只有 12 歲的兒童,竟有著如此遠大抱負與理想。是我們的教育出了問題,還是我們對我們的小朋友過度的呵護。讀完「我到我們的世代---新一代的快樂人生哲學 Me to We--Finding Meaning in a Material World 這本書,又激起我莫名的感嘆,也算是一些心得吧!整理如下 :


What would you do at twelve? It was that Craig Kielburger appealed a movement called "Free the Children", I remembered that was revealed about ten years ago, arousing the whole world attention and became eminent fame suddenly. I dare not to imagine how a child, only twelve, owns such an ambitious expectancy and ideal. What's wrong around our education system or just do we cherish our children too much. After finishing read this book, Me to We -- Finding Meaning in a Material World, it occurred to me some kind of inexplicable laments to be figured as what I have learned. I summarize it as follow:









Treasuries of life journey are also five kinds of spiritual power. 1. The power of listening: Listening to the voice of self-inner heart is the window that opens the power of penetration we cultivated, is the key that release the potential of spirit, is the power that guide you to face yourselfy then to introspect yourself. 2. The power of choice: The power of transferring idea. Transfer idea becoming the faith of guiding life. To distinguish the direction clearly is to enrich our life. 3. The power of humility: Connecting the good-will of inner-heart one another to bring the sincerely blessing with gratitude that is the eternal value of human being. 4. The power of active: The original of deeds power. 5. The power of common-well: The engine of switching creative energy on what liberates the dilemma of egocentric to turn over the life is the marrow of mutual benefit from ego to the whole.



Recognize the abilities and merits of oneself and start to pursue doing charities by means of your merits.




Transferring ego (me) to we, four important skills of individual include: 1. Act out of gratitude. 2. Put oneself within other's position. 3. Redefine the definition of happiness. 4. Redefine the concept of social group.




The transformation of life is proceeding slowly among somebody but to someone it changes in a suddenly.


五、美國社會心理學家邁爾斯 (David G. Myers ) 說:「我們擅長謀生,卻拙於活出生命;我們歌頌繁榮,卻渴求生命目的;我們珍惜自由,卻嚮往與他人連結。豐盛的年代,我們的心靈卻倍覺飢渴。」


The psychologist of America , David G. Myers, ever said, We are good at in earning one's living but is clumsy in making life alive. We extol prosperity but eager for purpose of life. We cherish for freedom but yearn for connecting with others' In the time of flourishing but our mind feels thirsty and hungry extremely.




It is hard to explain who they are in low living standard own much happier than the rich men. Why do we have high living standard but without having our hearts filled with gratification?


七、金錢不一定帶來快樂,但絕對買不到時間;時間就是大家一樣多,丟掉了再也找不回。埋首追求金錢之餘,犧牲了健康與家人、小孩相處,卻換來了莫大的空虛。富有卻貧乏有何用呢 !


Money maybe can't bring the happiness but it can't buy the time absolutely. Everyone holds the time equally when lost can't be found it back again. After indulging in wooing money, you sacrifice your health and get along with your family and children but have enormous inanity exchanged. Rich-but-poor what for?


八、美國精神科醫師克拉蕭 ( Ralph Crawshaw ) 說:「旅行有助於拓展視野,而這種拓展並非來自旅行者在異地的景象新奇感受、氣味與聲音;而是來自第一手體驗別人如何利用截然不同的生活方式,處理我們認為理所當然的事務。」


The psychiatrist of America, Ralph Crawshaw, ever said, To travel is helpful for broadening own vision and such broadening doesn't come from the feeling of curious scenery, smelling and sounding at foreign boundary gotten by the traveler but adopted from the first-hand experience how they deal with the daily affairs that we take it for grand with entirely different ways of life.




Interaction with anybody should be humility and peaceful that is the philosophy of Dao, Philosopher Lao Ze, when we listen and respect to the wisdom of others', we will get the most. Through the way of peaceful to solve the problem and to avoid the conflict that is making contribution to the harmony of individual and society. We can't distinguish strictly what the affairs benefited for person or for society, only that favorable for both sides simultaneously are good things.




Adam Smith in his book" The Theory of Moral Sentiments" points out, in spite of the human being tend to selfish, we can assure to get the personal and group welfares through cooperative and interaction and harvest the reaps. The competitive of free market and the mutual aids of moral looks seems two extreme sides but they should be proceeding hand by hand. If we want to be rich, not only the richness of economic but also the abundant and well-off of moral included.




The men who can change the world are all normal men. They are without saving life behavior impressively and large-scale recruiting money action mightily, not to mention the exceeding courage of superman. They are only conscious of one problem, then endeavor to tribute his strength and grasp the opportunity to do the transformation from me to we.


十二、美國作家艾默森說 :「如果能誠摯的幫助別人,一定也會幫到自己,這是人生最美麗的回報之一。」


The writer of America , Emerson, ever said, if one man can help other sincerely, he will get the assistance from himself. That is one of the beautiful requites from life.


十三、多倫多大學社會心理學教授多德曼博士 (Dr. Dan Dolderman) 說:「歸屬感的需求會在三個層次釋放。1、感受自我價值,但不覺孤單、2、感受到人與人之間一種深刻的相互關聯、3、社會團體的歸屬感,凸顯自我在團隊或組織中的身分。」


The Social psychologist professor of University of Toronto , Dr. Dan Dolderman said, the demand of belonging feeling will release among three layers: 1. The feeling of self-value but not feel alone. 2. The feeling of interconnecting deepgoing between you and me. 3. The belonging feeling of social group to emerge the dignity of ego specially between groups or organization.


十四、美國改善健康學院 ( Institute of the Advancement of Health ) 路克斯 博士 ( Allan Luks ) : 「助人的過程會產生信賴、快樂與樂觀。這些正面的情緒與態度,同時提升實現某件有價值之事的決心,因此製造出喜悅的片刻與持久的樂觀。」


The Institute of the Advancement of Health of America, Allan Luks told us, the process of helping other people will produce trust, happy and optimistic. All of those positive motions and attitudes will promote the decision of fulfill something valuable and then manufacture a moment of joyful and optimistic everlasting.




Young men give someone a hand that help themselves developing self-esteem instead and learn the technique of leadership to find the direction of human life. To participating the extracurricular activities, to serve as a volunteer will develop the important skills of leadership, teamwork and communication for young men. Let the young men learn how to respect oneself and other person which will develop the real potential of oneself. It will change self-skeptic of ego into esteem and confidence, then make the aloof and indifferent into action of resolution and courage.




Tragedy has one kind of invisible power to make everybody to face the most important thing of life together.




Helping others will active the circulation of creating well-off. Devoting oneself will make us feel joyful, and that kind of feeling satisfaction will help you to devote continuously. This kind of circulation is different from the deficiency that will promote oneself and group upward. Well-off is not only the money and do charities are not drawing your deposit vacancy. There are many ways of expressing the feeling of gratitude such as the smiling is one kind of sources that can't be use up and the will of goodness can't be exhausted.




Everyone puts love heart, courage and wisdom together, it can bring positive circulation of abundant. That will be the only antidote to cure the puzzle of deficiency.


十九、不以 " 非人 " " 貶低人 " 的態度去看待受苦的不幸人們,如此我們才不會認為處在不幸遭遇的人,就應該受苦,而認為他們的受苦是自作自受。


Not with the attitude of “unnormal man” or “degrade man” to treat the suffer and misfortune people, then we can think who they run into misfortune should be languished and deemed boomerang of their suffer.




With the same consensus feeling that will make us to think of those whom we are concerned or myself when we see who we are not acquainted. No matter how you think that the same consensus feeling is a kind of sympathy or understand other person’s feeling to generate resonance. The same consensus feeling is the reverse side of refusing and avoidance. When we   open our mind to accept the same consensus feeling, we can feel other’s trauma and realize the some kind of urgent feeling of helping people.


二十一、「解放兒童」組織青年演說家阿帕多斯基 ( Joe Opatowski ) 說:「在他有生之年將不再為自己許願,因為他最終的願望,就是大家都擁有幸福快樂。」


The speaker of the organization of Free Children, Joe Opatowski, said, he will not make a pledge for himself during the period of his limited life because everyone owns the happiness is his last wishes.




Social movements are like the pattern of mosaics that is consisted of by many small pieces of tiles which mean they can be flourishing depends on the participants who devote their merits.


二十三、快樂來自選對目標而非達成目標,人們積極追求的三種目標多半和生活安適有關。1. 是親密 : 希望有緊密且彼此互惠的關係、2. 是性靈上的目標:以道德倫理層面,引導日常生活中高尚的行為、3. 付出奉獻、關懷未來世代。當我們珍惜群己關係,並將我們的目標與最重視的價值連結,快樂就會不求而自得。


The happiness comes from the goals being chosen correctly not from achieving the targets. We, the people, run after three kinds of target positively which relate mostly with the cozy life. 1. The intimacy: Hoping with the intensive and mutual benefit relationship. 2. The target of spiritual: With the layer of ethics and morals to guide our dignity behaviors of daily life. 3. Dedicating the devotion: Concerning the future generation. When we cherish the relationship between you and me and we connect our target with the most respected values, the happiness will appear without searching.


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